Funding Option C: Research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Proposal Application Requirements and Review Process
The Research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning application is a competitive funding opportunity for faculty who are involved in scholarly activities that examine and document teaching and learning in their classrooms for the purpose of improving their practice and sharing the information with colleagues. It is expected that the scholarly activities will involve systematic observation and documentation and ongoing cumulative intellectual inquiry in an attempt to refine teaching methods and effectiveness, explore new methods, or integrate teaching with research. The activity should produce a scholarly product that will be shared with peers through publishing or professional presentation.
Eligibility Criteria
Proposals submitted for funding may be for a scholarly activity consistent with the Mission of ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥. The proposal should be able to be completed during the academic year. The applicant/s must be a current regular faculty member. Full time faculty members are eligible for funding from $100-$1,750. Half-time faculty are eligible for funding from $100-$875. Only one application for funding may be submitted for a project. A faculty member may apply more than once for SOTL funding, but not for the same project.
Proposal Application Requirements
Proposal Review Process and Criteria
Proposals will be reviewed by the Faculty Development Committee during each application review sessions using the following criteria. The committee will utilize outside assistance as needed.
- Eligibility of investigator
- Proposal clearly states the teaching-learning issue or problem to be examined
- Proposal demonstrates connection to university teaching and learning initiatives
- Proposal describes proposed methodology for studying the teaching-learning issue
- Proposal states anticipated impact on student learning and how learning will be assessed
- Proposal follows appropriate human subjects procedures
- Proposal includes a relevant literature review
- Proposal lists specific potential presentation or publication outlets
- Proposal demonstrates potential to advance knowledge of teaching and learning
- Budget and timeline are reasonable and appropriate
- Additional consideration will be given to proposals that include collaboration with colleagues or students.
Funding Categories
A budget is required as part of the proposal. Funding categories include:
1) reimbursement for supplies and materials/equipment, 2) costs of publication or presentation, and 3) stipends. If requesting a faculty stipend, please indicate the estimated time to complete the project and how the proposal work is different from faculty workload. Payment for stipends will be made upon completion of the project and submission of the final report. Payment for supplies, costs of publication or presentation, or materials/equipment can be made through reimbursement of original receipts for approved expenses. Materials/equipment purchased with Research in SoTL funds will be the property of ÌðÐÄÖ±²¥. Funding cannot be used for training or coursework for the investigator/s.
Publications and Presentations
Publications resulting from the grant must acknowledge the support of the Faculty Development SoTL. The faculty member will provide the Office of Academic Affairs with a reprint of any articles published or a copy of the program from presentation.
Complete Funding
Application C >>
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